My desire to address issues of environmental protection and passion for aquariums lead me to experiment with artificial materials to create untraditional and alarming aquascapes. These two photographs showcase a complex PVC pipe structure that holds lush air plants, with a lonely, inconspicuous betta fish traversing the intertwining pipes below, unaware of its impending doom. In contrasting these incongruous materials, I aim to remind us that as American companies become more keen on building pipelines to drill for oil in ecologically fragile areas, we must stay aware of their environmental impact and not be mislead by claims of eco-friendliness. No matter how “green” the air plants shining at the top appear to be, the harmful truth about these business practices lies beneath the water’s surface in a messy, unfinished tangle of pipes.

Alcohol marker & ink pen on marker paper, PVC pipe, air plants, sand, betta fish, aquarium filter & heater, 11 gallon glass cubic aquarium, black display stand. 2018.
Made in America

Made in America
